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Holding on to Hope During Isolation: Part 3

By Amanda Virrey

Carrying on from my second entry in this narration on strict isolation, I mentioned four of my friends who were subjected to strict isolation at different times in separate isolation facilities.

For 10 days, they were locked inside with minimal room space that had one small barbed wired window, small food portions and with neither medical attention nor medications. They said that they were grateful to have the means to purchase their vitamins yet raised their concerns for those who were or would be subjected to such isolation without the means to support their physical, mental and spiritual health.

In this case, how about we address every questionable instance that occurs in isolation facilities using proper common sense?

So, what happens if you get COVID-19?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO): “Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. The COVID-19 virus spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes.”

Therefore, would it not be better for people who test positive to be given an option to isolate themselves at home, where they can receive better care from loved ones and doctors yet receive close monitoring from officials? In this way, contact or exposure to strangers can be avoided.

Since COVID-19 is a respiratory illness, could it not be treated in an area that promotes better respiration or breathing, such as in one’s own home where one could rest in peace and harmony, get healthier food supplies, comfort, wide indoor space, proper ventilation through opened windows and non-carbon emitting ventilators like an electric fan? Not to forget, access to the beach to inhale the nurturing sea breeze, to an empty open area for fresh air, and access to medical practitioners who can attend to their needs at their own comfort? Couldn’t these be taken in high regard, as opposed to the enclosed buildings of hospitals amid its stressful environment, constant turnover of sick patients, stuffy air- conditioning and its intensely occupied personnel who could not totally give you the care you absolutely need and deserve?

Now, if pneumonia, which according to the Philippine Statistics Authority has a significantly higher mortality rate than COVID-19, can be treated at home, why not for COVID-19 positive cases as well?

On the brighter side, these four people who had overcome the memories of ill-treatment that they were subjected to in isolation facilities, now reflect a stronger positive outlook and a more determined purpose to overcome possible challenges in the future.

But what about the others, the mentally weaker ones, the impoverished and the ones who have already gone through depression from the COVID-19 crisis? Would their condition ease up at being forced into isolation in a cold and enclosed facility in order to exist and accept conditions better in our world today?

Alas, we hope that we invoke the intellect of our mind and heart in finding ways to regard everyone as special and unique beings. All of us are indeed going through profound situations in varying degrees and consistencies, which may make us better or break us apart. Either way, it is most crucial, now, more than ever, that we consciously uphold and restore everyone’s right to live in peace and harmony through fervent compassion, love and understanding.




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